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"I Love" Masculine Heart Chakra

  • Increase energy circulation  

  • Forgiveness for others

  • Abundance of love to give

  • Gratitude for loved ones


Green resonates with the masculine heart chakra, the balanced and harmonic center of circulation where giving and receiving unify as a single function. The green heart chakra acts as a balance point of all chakras and allows expansion, freedom and growth. It is the energy center that integrates physical reality and a spiritual connection as one whole and complete essence. It is in this vortex that resentment is transmuted and forgiveness translates into thanksgiving. Blessings are plentiful and gratitude in all circumstances is a way of life.

Green Vortex Cone - Masculine Heart Chakra

  • Made of the same plant-based crystalline resin as our pendants, our Vortex Cones contain a spiral copper wire that directs the energy out of the tip of the cone. The energy passes through a hand picked recorder quartz crystal we sourced from a quartz mine in Arkansas. Prior to encasing them into the resin, we charge the crystal with specific color and love frequencies so they can bring these amazing frequencies into your home!

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